• A valid XenForo Licence validation token will be required to complete signup and purchasing.
    This may retrieve this from the XenForo Customer Area.
  • All XenForo 2.3+ add-ons require at least php 8.0, recommend php 8.2+
    All XenForo 2.2+ add-ons require at least php 7.2, recommend php 8.x
    All XenForo 2.0-2.1 add-ons require at least php 5.6, recommend php 7.x.
    The Standard Library add-on is also required.
    Older php versions are not supported, and add-ons will either refuse to install or fail to function.
  • Automatic discounts are applied for orders above $100 USD (10%) or for early renewals (5%)

Bookmarks 2.0.0 Beta 1

Change log

  • Significant rewrite of add-on design to allow pluggable extension of bookmarks
  • Reduce performance impact of bulk thread operations & bookmarks
  • Use template modifications instead of template hooks
  • Use hinted code event listeners
  • Minify redistributed javascript
  • Rebuild installer to be more robust and consistent between upgrades/new installs
  • Rework quick bookmark feature, renamed to favorite bookmarks.
  • Rework 'insert bookmark' feature

Release notes

Feature Update.

Please note;

Handler code is not complete as statistics and displaying bookmarks on a user profile have not been moved to the new code structure making extending this add-on to new content types difficult.

As such this is released as a beta, but has been in production on a few sites for a while now.