• A valid XenForo Licence validation token will be required to complete signup and purchasing.
    This may retrieve this from the XenForo Customer Area.
  • All XenForo 2.3+ add-ons require at least php 8.0, recommend php 8.2+
    All XenForo 2.2+ add-ons require at least php 7.2, recommend php 8.x
    All XenForo 2.0-2.1 add-ons require at least php 5.6, recommend php 7.x.
    The Standard Library add-on is also required.
    Older php versions are not supported, and add-ons will either refuse to install or fail to function.
  • Automatic discounts are applied for orders above $100 USD (10%) or for early renewals (5%)

Standard Library 1.21.1

Change log

  • XF2.3 support
    • Various .js files should work with XF2.1/XF2.2/XF2.3
  • Fix hasDesiredAddOnVersion could error if the target addon was in a processing state
  • Fix Standard Lib: Log parse_less_func debug info option not working
  • Backport <xf:macro name="template::macro syntax to to XF2.1
  • Update parse_less_color to not return CSS variables where possible
  • Bundle choices.js as a near drop-in replacement for select2
    • Enrich a select box with choices.js.
      <xf:macro template="svStandardLib_macros" name="choices_setup" />
      <xf:selectrow label="Select row example" name="select_row_example"
                    data-placeholder="{{ phrase('example')|for_attr }}"
          <xf:option value="1">Option 1</xf:option>
          <xf:option value="2" selected="true">Option 2</xf:option>
          <xf:option value="3">Option 3</xf:option>
    • The initial structure is pre-rendered to reduce/prevent page jank.
    • To opt-out add the skip-rendering="true" attribute to the <xf:select> or <xf:selectrow> element
    • This will be used by a number of my add-ons and other 3rd party addons.