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Vote Tally 2.2.2

Change log

  • Require Xenforo 2.1+
  • Require php 7.0+
  • Depends Standard Library add-on is also required.
  • Fix whitespace/bb-code mix which could cause some vote plans to not be collapsed into equivalent versions
  • Major overhaul of the UI
    • New voting form (for scheduled votes), makes voting easier!
    • Renamed & cleaned up permissions to make more sense
    • Bb-code & editor support for vote results, which can now link to a result-set which is still processing or pending
    • Various other small UI improvements
  • Existing vote tally system is now "ad-hoc" vote tallies
  • New "Scheduled vote tally" which accepts a start/end date range (optional end). At close, a vote tally is triggered for any posts which are included in this range
  • Scheduled votes include a new voting form which automatically collects votes as possible options and allows the user to easily select from previous votes
  • Threads are allowed on ad-hoc vote tally or a scheduled vote at a time