Autocomplete fails with ES parameters


Active Member
Search Bar Auto Complete does not work with ElasticSearch parameters.
For example if you use: 'Xon' then it will autocomplete. If you use 'Xo*' then the autocomplete will fail.
Search Bar Auto Complete does not work with ElasticSearch parameters.
For example if you use: 'Xon' then it will autocomplete. If you use 'Xo*' then the autocomplete will fail.
This is not unexpected. The method it uses to search for search terms doesn't support wildcards like that.

It should return 'no match' rather than error tho.
There is no error. It displays no match. The tricky thing is that there are matches, but not in the autocomplete. The end user will assume that there are no matches in the ES search results and aborts. I think it would be better if it would not return anything or something like 'press enter to search'.
I think a solution is to actually silently stripout the wildcard, since how it generates the search query it is almost always not required anyway.

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