BBCode Pages Editor is blank sometimes


New Member
I'm converting over my page nodes to BBCode Pages edit functionality but I'm having trouble.

When editing a page, it'll edit fine, save fine, loads fine. If you go to edit again the editor is completely blank.

I guess I need to toggle to the BBCode tab in the page options itself first? That seems to help but I feel like there's a bug here somewhere.
What version of XenForo?

When converting the page from standard to bb-code mode, it can run into some XF bugs which I thought I worked around. My recommendation is copy the content elsewhere, switch the mode, save, reload the page, and then fill in the bb-code page.
2.2.5. I'm doing that now, I'm wondering if the Edit on the front page shouldn't be available unless the BBCode tab on the acp is selected? Maybe that would solve the initial confusion.
Looks like I completely missed editing a non-bb-code page from the front-edit could be wonky

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