Collaborative Threads


New Member
I'm just wondering if I understand what this does.

Forum is public for viewing but only a group can start threads and post on them.

Users on that group can start a thread and are able to edit own thread but not other users threads

With this add on we can allow other individual users to edit the thread started by another user but no necessarily all other threads?
Yes it would. Additionally collaborators can opt-in to making editiable by the OP or other collaborators

It also works with my Threadmarks add-on to allow editing/adding threadmarks to posts
Just bought the Add on, not sure how to make it work.

I have a forum called CASH

A group called CASH POSTER

The forum CASH has limited Permissions.

Only the users on CASH POSTER group may start new threads.

Everyone else may reply to the threads

CASH POSTER group can edit its own threads.

How would I set this up so that the user from CASH POSTER group can assign other users to edit a thread started by the user from the CASH POSTER group.


USER1 is in the CASH POSTER group

USER1 starts a Thread named THREAD1 in the forum called CASH

USER1 wants USER2 to be able to edit THREAD1

If you could point me in the right direction, it would be appreciated.

For "CASH POSTER" group they will need these permissions:
  • Start collaborative threads permission
  • Maximum collaborative users permission, either set this to -1 for no limit or some smaller value.
Then in your regular users group:
  • Participate in collaborative threads permission
  • Join collaborative threads permission
The Join collaborative threads controls if a user can be added to the list of collaborators for a thread. The Participate in collaborative threads controls if they can actually be a collaborator.

The difference is useful for blocking people being a collaborator via the warning system giving them a group which restricts access to things.

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