Conversations Inbox "1" Unread stuck


New Member
My Conversations INBOX has "1" (red) notification as being one unread conversation. I have tried everything in selecting all and selecting "check as read" on all of my conversations and I can not get rid of this "1" unread conversation. Just wondering what I am missing.

Oh, I also ran a "rebuild conversation" in my xenforo tools and is still there.
I figured out how to clear the one unread notif in the INBOX. I went to the database xf_sv_convess_label_user_stat and selected EDIT for my user_ID.
unread_countint(10) unsigned

had "1" in the data field. I knew that had to be wrong as I did not have any unread messages. So, I entered "0". The INBOX is clear now. This might not be the best way to handle it, but it works for now.
Since then , I recieved another conversation. The INBOX now does not show I have a new message. I guess the data field that I inserted a "0" must now have permanent residence. So, I guess in some ways, it is not fixed after all.

This sounds like a possible compatibility issue, as the count should be updated when you view/read a conversation. Can you open a ticket and list what other add-ons you have installed?
Hi Xon,
the count should be updated when you view/read a conversation.
Yes, you worded it much better than I did :)
If I remember, it will "add" more "unread's", but as I go through and read my conversations, I am still left with this "one" unread that I can not find anywhere. So, it must be reading a false indicator from somewhere. And thank you very much for your help.

Here is a list of other add-ons I have:

Advanced search 2.7
Allows searching thread titles and post content using exact text.

Conversation Essentials 2.2.1
Vital functions and features for viewing and managing personal conversations

Country Flags by IP Address 2.0.12
Displays the flag of the country members are in using their IP Address location

Cover photo 1.3
Allows members to upload a cover photo.

Email log 1.6
Shows emails that have been sent from your forum.

Forum statistics plus 1.5
Displays a Forum statistics plus widget.

Rotate 1.3
Easily rotate any attached image in a post.

Social Groups 2.1.16
Social groups for your site.

Weekly digest 3.1
Sends an email to your members every week showing the most popular topics.

XenForo Media Gallery 2.1.5
I am not sure what changed, but it is all working ok now. I logged into my forum. I had 3 unread. As I read each one. The INBOX counted down too. When I got to the last one, then my INBOX finally read "nothing" which would be expected.


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