Create Thread when name is changed


New Member
I am currently using a different add on to do user name changes. It allows you to specific a forum ID and an Account ID. Then when a user makes a name change, that forum gets a thread showing that name change as the title. The Account ID you specific is the account that makes the thread.

Thread Titles ' AAAAAA => BBBBBB '
Thread Text AAAAAA has changed their username to BBBBBB'

This a nice feature so people can keep up with name changes without clicking through the profile. A side effect has been my users create name "bets" with each other and someone is penalized with a silly name for some period. These threads end up serving as another interaction and way to give out information.

If you added this, I could switch to all xon products.
Thank you.
Is this for XF1 or XF2?

Are you willing to fund this feature? As I'm currently extremely limited on time.

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