Encountered an Fatal Error (Declaration) during install


New Member
Today I encountered this error when installing the Addon Elastic Search Essentials version 3.4.2.
It happens right at the end of Installing or Updating the Addon. It also happens when I try to rebuild the search index.
With the addon disabled it does not trigger any error while rebuilding the index.

Fatal error: Declaration of SV\ElasticSearchEssentials\XFES\Search\Source\Elasticsearch::search(XF\Search\Query\Query $query, $maxResults) must be compatible with XF\Search\Source\AbstractSource::search(XF\Search\Query\KeywordQuery $query, $maxResults) in /var/www/[...]/labs/www/xendev/src/addons/SV/ElasticSearchEssentials/XFES/Search/Source/Elasticsearch.php on line 0

Thanks in advance for your help :)
There is no working ES Essentials for XF 2.2 yet. By any chance, are you running Xenforo 2.2 and trying to use this addon?

If you are on XF 2.1 then sorry for chiming in, I just wanted to help.
I'm indeed on XF 2.2, well should have read the documentation a bit better. Just went through the most recent replies on the addon and it seems like a lot of people are waiting for the update :)
I guess this ticket can be closed then.
ElasticSearch Essentials for XenForo 2.2 is getting very close to being done, just had some hickups in time scheduling.
The latest version now supports both XenForo 2.2 and 2.1, and due to the unexpected time taken an extra 4 months have been added to existing license holders

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