Implement an option to hide closed threads


New Member
Hi Xon,

I can see that you have been recently working on this add-on so I would like to bring up two suggestions that I made on last year to Daniel Hood. I'm just going to copy/paste to save time:

- Implement an option to hide closed threads
Explanation: for example I have a Classifieds node with two prefixes: WTS and WTB. I would leave the prefix empty and choose the Classifieds node so in a single tab I'll have both WTS and WTB threads listed. However on the Classifieds node those "finished" threads are closed. It would not make sense to list them in the tab.

- Do not show the tab if there is nothing to show
Context: I have been testing your add-on on @electrogypsy's forum and I notice that when there are no threads to display you are still showing the tabs. I was asking because the default behavior of XF tabs like Warnings and even XFMG tabs like Media and Albums is to don't show as a tab on member profile is the user doesn't have warnings, media or albums, respectively.


I think these are minor changes easy to do so I'll really appreciate if you can add them. If you do so I'll be more than happy to buy this add-on.

Thank you,
Hi Xon,

I can see that you have been recently working on this add-on so I would like to bring up two suggestions that I made on last year to Daniel Hood. I'm just going to copy/paste to save time:

- Implement an option to hide closed threads
Explanation: for example I have a Classifieds node with two prefixes: WTS and WTB. I would leave the prefix empty and choose the Classifieds node so in a single tab I'll have both WTS and WTB threads listed. However on the Classifieds node those "finished" threads are closed. It would not make sense to list them in the tab.
This is fairly straightforward to implement.

- Do not show the tab if there is nothing to show
Context: I have been testing your add-on on @electrogypsy's forum and I notice that when there are no threads to display you are still showing the tabs. I was asking because the default behavior of XF tabs like Warnings and even XFMG tabs like Media and Albums is to don't show as a tab on member profile is the user doesn't have warnings, media or albums, respectively.
This is not straight forward to implement as thread visibility can be quite complex. It can probably be improved, but an outright fix is difficult.
Hi @Xon,

Regarding #1, I hope you can implement it because as you said it is easy. Regarding #2, maybe I didn't explained it very well. Let allow me to share a more clear example:

Let's say that I have a node called "Reviews" and let's say that I want to show a tab called "Reviews" in the profile of my members. It would not make sense to show the "Reviews" tab if the member doesn't have any *open* threads (this related to suggestion #1) in the "Reviews" node. So in cases where the admin enables the option to hide closed threads, if the member doesn't have any open thread in the node attached to the tab, then the tab shouldn't be displayed.
Regarding #2, maybe I didn't explained it very well. Let allow me to share a more clear example:

Let's say that I have a node called "Reviews" and let's say that I want to show a tab called "Reviews" in the profile of my members. It would not make sense to show the "Reviews" tab if the member doesn't have any *open* threads (this related to suggestion #1) in the "Reviews" node. So in cases where the admin enables the option to hide closed threads, if the member doesn't have any open thread in the node attached to the tab, then the tab shouldn't be displayed.

Now that I bought your add-on I see that it already isn't displaying the tab when there is no content to show. This is good, in Daniel Hood's version it was displaying the tab even when there was nothing to show.

So after all the only suggestion pending is the option to hide closed threads. And well there is a bug too, I already reported it here.
Option to exclude locked/closed threads will be implemented in the next version.

Only showing the tab if there is content will be an on-going job as I identify cases where it is failing.

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