Merging threads when `SV\MultipleAccountToThread` is enabled throws an Exception


New Member
Hey there,

We're using the SV\MultipleAccountToThread AddOn and it throws an error when merging the threads.

Steps to Reproduce
  1. Open the forum where the 2 threads are located.
  2. Tick the edit box (located far right from the thread titles)
  3. Moderation options will pop up at the bottom - click Choose Action
  4. Select Merge Threads
  5. Click Go
  6. Select destination thread
  7. Leave redirection at the default of Do not leave a redirect
  8. Select to notify thread starter and provide reason (this is optional)
  9. Click Merge

The Exception

There is an SQL query located in /src/addons/SV/MultipleAccountToThread/XF/Service/Thread/Merger.php at line 24 which is causing the issue. It looks for table_id not present in the table.

$oldReportDataIds = $db->fetchAllColumn("
    SELECT report_data_id
    FROM xf_sv_multiple_account_report_data
    WHERE thread_id IN ({$quotedThreadIds})
    ORDER BY report_data_id ASC
What version of the add-on do you have installed?

The SV/MultipleAccountToThread installer adds the xf_sv_multiple_account_report_data.thread_id column.

Can you re-run the installer with this command?
php cmd.php xf-addon:install-step SV/MultipleAccountToThread 2

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