Multiple Prefixes Update


New Member
After an update from 1.65 to the last version, i dont have any Prefixes set, when i open the change thread form. Any idea about this?
@Robert9 is this with the standard XenForo theme? Or with a custom theme?

Please check the template modification list in the admincp and report any not applying template modifications for Multi Prefix (any gray or red numbers to the very right of the template modification title/template name)
I tried it in standrad theme now, but same result.
The template thread_edit is untouched, but there are TMS. I have watched them, but nothing broken also.

Here is some html, maybe it helps

<form action="threads/correction-version-fr.12232/save" method="post" class="xenForm formOverlay">
    <dl class="ctrlUnit" id="PrefixContainer_thread_edit">
        <dt><label for="ctrl_prefix_id_thread_edit">Präfix:</label></dt>
            <select name="prefix_id[]" id="ctrl_prefix_id_thread_edit[]" multiple="multiple" data-noresultstext="No results match" data-placeholdertext="Wähle Prefix" data-max-options="0" class="textCtrl TitlePrefix"
                <option value="0" data-css="prefix noPrefix"  selected="selected">(Kein Präfix)</option>
        <optgroup label="Sprachen">
            <option value="35" data-css="prefix prefixPrimary" >FR</option>
    <dl class="ctrlUnit">
        <dt><label for="ctrl_title_thread_edit">Titel:</label></dt>
Ok, this makes no sense, because the prefixes are not shown in the code with showing source code.

But with inspector i see this in the running testboard. The choosen prefix is there.

<div class="chosen-container chosen-container-multi textCtrl TitlePrefix" title="" id="ctrl_prefix_id_thread_edit___chosen" style="width: 100%;">

<ul class="chosen-choices">
  <li class="search-choice"><span class="prefix prefixPrimary">Wellness</span><a class="search-choice-close" data-option-array-index="32"></a></li>
  <li class="search-field"> <input class="chosen-search-input textCtrl" autocomplete="off" value="Wähle Präfix ..." style="width: 25px;" type="text"></li>

<div class="chosen-drop">
  <ul class="chosen-results"></ul>
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But in the running board i muss the <li with the prefix

<div class="chosen-container chosen-container-multi textCtrl TitlePrefix" title="" id="ctrl_prefix_id_thread_edit___chosen" style="width: 100%;">
<ul class="chosen-choices">
  <li class="search-field"><input class="chosen-search-input default textCtrl" autocomplete="off" value="Wähle Prefix" style="width: 99px;" type="text"></li>
So somewhere on the way i misses to fetch the prefix here. I dont think it is a template thing, but you know better how you insert the prefixes.
Meanwhile i have deactivated all, really all addons.
Now i cant edit at the threadlist (the prefix is not shown), but it is shown with the edit at single thread view (flying and in a new window)
The same behaviour is with the default style.
Finally i have deactived the Muli Prefix Addon and now everything is ok, we just dont have anymore multiple prefixes.
BTW. There is an umaintained addon for showing and filter with prefixes. This should be a part of your addon also or maybe it is?
If you're referring to "prefix forum listing", that one just takes the prefixes that are allowable in the forum you are viewing and places them at the top of the forum index. You can achieve the exact same function as that addon gives you just by clicking a prefix on the forum index page for the sub-forum you are viewing.

This works with or without multi-prefix (i.e. it's a default XF function)
Ok, this makes no sense, because the prefixes are not shown in the code with showing source code.
This add-on does work, as I use it extensively on my own forums including this one.

Do you have usergroup or forum limitations? If you do, you will see the selected prefix but not any of the other prefixes.

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