Similar Threads not showing for guests


New Member
I've got ESE 3.0.0 b2 installed and working, but it doesn't appear to show similar threads for guests when viewing a thread. Permissions appear to be set correctly for guest users ([ESE] Use similar threads (View Thread) = YES).
This is related to overfetching not working as expected and the per-forum "limit similar threads results by" option not being respected.

Fixed in 3.0.0 Beta 3
Thanks for taking a look at this!

Unfortunately, similar threads have now disappeared for all users, unless I switch node settings for "Limit similar threads results by" to "all". Even then, it still only shows for logged in users, but not guests.
Unfortunately, similar threads have now disappeared for all users, unless I switch node settings for "Limit similar threads results by" to "all". Even then, it still only shows for logged in users, but not guests.
Can you show the unregistered usergroup permissions? Look for the [ESE] prefix.
I'll disable all other addons and see if it's something conflicting, as that seems like the most likely reason for this. I'll report back once I've done some testing.

Sure, here's the settings for guests:

I've disabled other addons but it still doesn't appear to work for guests, so I'm a bit puzzled. Is there any other info I can give to help troubleshoot?
If it works for members, but not guests what threads are being returned for members? Is it threads a guest should see?

I might need to adjust caching logic a bit.
Yep, guests should be able to see the threads ok. It worked fine in ESE on XF1.5 :). I'll do a test install on a fresh install and see if I can find anything that would help pinpoint the problem.
I've done a test on a clean install (just XF 2.1, EFE 3.0.0 b3 and ES installed) and I can confirm that the similar thread listings don't appear for guests, even with the correct permissions (i.e. they can view all threads and ESE permissions are enabled). They work fine for logged in users though.
I've found something interesting...

Similar threads works for guests in the "below first post" position, but not on the "below quick reply" position. It works for members in both positions. I hope that helps troubleshoot this :).
I am having some odd problems where some threads don't slow similar threads, but some definitely do now, so it may be worth checking quite a few threads and see if it shows on any of them.
Yeh that is it. Similar threads works for some threads but not others. I checked a non working thread on XF2.x and when entering the thread it does not show any similar threads however if I go to my live xf1.5x site and enter the exact same thread it does show similar threads. Something is not quite right with the xf2 implementation of Elasticsearch Essentials.
Yeh that is it. Similar threads works for some threads but not others. I checked a non working thread on XF2.x and when entering the thread it does not show any similar threads however if I go to my live xf1.5x site and enter the exact same thread it does show similar threads. Something is not quite right with the xf2 implementation of Elasticsearch Essentials.
That matches exactly what I'm experiencing - funnily enough I'm just writing up a bug report on this now.

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