Sticky Post Forum Moderator permission


We're having an issue with Sticky Any Post. Currently on version 2.2.1

The permission is listed under Forum Moderator Permissions:

Can sticky/unsticky post in others threads

Even though I add it to individual forum moderators, it applies this privilege to the user for ALL forums.

So mod of Forum A gets this permission when added as a mod. But they can also sticky any post in a thread on Forum B, C, D and so on.
These permissions need to be assigned per-forum, if you assign them globally this is expected behaviour.

Honestly the per-forum moderator feature is a pain in the ass to support.

Implementation wise; you are best having per-forum user groups which set permissions per-forum and then when you make a per-forum moderator assign them that user-group. This way you've got one user-group to modify for each set of moderators, and you have better control over how permissions are assigned.

Under XF's permission model, if you are reaching for individual per-user permissions for more than a handful of users you are often better to create a user-group for it instead.
Found an errant user group permission that I had missed. All good.

250+ forums = a lot of user groups so we use per-forum mod permissions.
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I always recommend using the "analyze permissions" to determine what a user's actual permission are for a given forum. It is an incredibly powerful tool

Yeah, that is horribly painful to change.
It could be fixed with another class of privileges that covers all mods but only on boards where they are mods.
It could be fixed with another class of privileges that covers all mods but only on boards where they are mods.
The good thing about XenForo permissions is you have many ways to implement things. The bad thing about XenForo permissions is you have many ways to implement things.

(That is to say, good luck!)

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