thread created in wrong forum


Sorry for another report here. I have tried disabling and reinstalling and nothing works.

Signup Abuse & Detection + Multiple Account to Thread is creating the thread in the wrong forum.

Instead of going to the Alter Egos Detected forum, the threads are getting started in Reported Posts.

I've had this problem before with a different add-on a few years ago. The problem was that the user did not have permission to post in the one forum. I checked that and the user (me, the admin) certainly has permission to post there.

How can I troubleshoot this?

The signup abuse detection & blocking add-on doesn't even check permissions when creating the thread.

This sounds like you are using the send-reports-to-forum feature of XenForo and have left the "create report" feature of this add-on enabled.
Yes, that was it. Thanks for your help. I never would have figured that out myself!

I understand it now. There are three possibilities:
- Create report
- Create thread
- Create PM

But (as I understand it now) if your reports are set to go to threads (a forum), "Create thread" is ignored.
The problem is it can't distinguish between a thread has been created by the report being sent to a forum and the add-on's normal thread creation.

This is kinda "as-designed" as the sending reports to forum feature breaks a pile of assumptions and frankly isn't worth the effort to support as a first class feature.

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