unable to select multiple prefixes again, might be php 7 issue?


Hey man, sorry to bother you again. I just upgraded our server and I noticed that the multi prefix plugin isn't working again. It seems we can select only one prefix at this time.

I'm the furthest thing from an expert, but we did have an issue after the upgrade with another plugin that was incompatible with php 7. fortunately there was an upgrade available so we fixed that.

multi prefix is more important to me than php 7, so i'll downgrade if i have to, but it would be great to stay on 7 if i can. of course, i could be WAY off and it might not have anything to do with that.

what can i do to determine the issue?

not sure if it helps, but we upgraded to nginx 1.11.2 and php 7.0.9 on centos 7 (i'm using centminmod).
Working OK on my forum.
I am also using centminmod and on newest version of mariaDB, php, nginx (tonight I will update from 1.11.2 to 1.11.3)
@moshbit I've briefly logged into your site, and quickly figured the problem out. the javascript files required for UI.X support are returning a 404.

It looks like whatever you updated is preventing access to the following javascript files:


hmm, i disabled all the other plugins, then enabled multi prefix, and it still wasn't working (still getting the 404 error in chrome's console). since i did a complete reinstall of the OS and nginx/php, could this be a file permissions issue? the only other thing i can think of is that maybe i need to edit my nginx conf file to allow access to the js directory?
i'm not sure if it's important, but it seems like the js file from your 'user mentions improvements' addon is getting blocked as well.
woot! found the issue!

i dunno if it's because of my os (centos 7) but it looks like it's taking the case of your links literally.


where the files are actually:


i went in and changed the case from lower to upper case and it's now loading the js files correctly and the addon is working again.
@moshbit great to hear it is working. You might need to check some other add-on's javascript.

You may want to re-upload the javascript files from the add-on zip to ensure you have the latest version's installed. As at one stage I moved from "sv" to "SV" to be consistent with my other add-ons.
You may want to re-upload the javascript files from the add-on zip to ensure you have the latest version's installed. As at one stage I moved from "sv" to "SV" to be consistent with my other add-ons.

okay, i'll do that now. sorry for such a newbie question, but how would i go about checking the javascript from other addons?
okay, i'll do that now. sorry for such a newbie question, but how would i go about checking the javascript from other addons?
If it is 404'ing then it is probably broken :p

How many things under "js\SV\" are all lowercase? For example 'user mentions improvements' addon's javascript should be under "js\SV\UserTagging". Just renaming from js\sv to js\SV might be enough to fix it.
i edited both sv and multiprefix to SV and MultiPrefix in post #9, sorry i forgot to mention that. when i did, it fixed the 404 error from both plugins.

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