Upgrade Durations


New Member
Not sure if this could be bundled with Expiring User Upgrades, but could you do something for upgrade durations like this addon?

Do you know if there would be a conflict between your plugin and the one I linked?
I don't have anything like that, and it may not work well with any add-on which extends user upgrades.
Ok, one more question.
Would you be able to add the ability to execute a php script on user upgrade or downgrade, or create a new addon to do this?

Having a hard time finding anything that does this for XF 2.
I don't think you'll find anything like that, but it wouldn't be terribly difficult. What sort of script are you planning on triggering?
I don't think you'll find anything like that, but it wouldn't be terribly difficult. What sort of script are you planning on triggering?
Really all I'm looking for is two text boxes - one for when the upgrade occurs, and one for when the downgrade occurs. It'd also be sweet if I could somehow pass the user id to the script, for example I'd put this in the upgrade box path/to/script/upgrade.php?userid={user.id} which is where your addon would replace {user.id} with the user ID of the user being upgraded/downgraded.

I'm trying to use this php script (which I have yet to make) to edit a file to add and remove user data from the XF database. This would allow me to automate player whitelisting and other things for a game server.
It would also be cool to be able to start a new conversation with the user that purchased the upgrade.

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