Warning Improvements - Warning Count Ban Threshold.


Active Member
This suggestion could be for any of the moderation addons, but is an improvement of the warning system.

The warning point threshold lets you set levels at which members get banned temporarily or permanent.
Mostly such bans will be used for users that have one or more heavy offences.

But there also are users who will keep getting warnings for the lightest offences. Over time they will accumulate many warnings without ever reaching the warning point threshold. And if they finally do then things have been allowed to go from bad to worse. Normally moderators will take things into their own hands with custom bans to avoid situations to go on for too long.

The system should cater to this by having a ban threshold based on warning count. i.e. the number of times the user has received a warning. This allows you to set up short bans that increase in time with the number of warnings. For example:
2 warnings - 1 day ban
3 warnings - 1 week ban
5 warnings - 2 weeks ban

(yes these are short bans on my sites)
An additional benefit is that users feel that the warnings are to be taken seriously. In my experience it prevents members with small offences to clean up their act before they get into real trouble with long or permanent bans.
@Alfa1 this is part of the intention for 'escalating defaults' where the expiry dates will increased based off the total number of (expired and unexpired) warning points, so these problematic users will build up a larger and larger list of 'active warnings'.

But being able to trigger warning actions based off warning count does sound interesting.

The next version of Warning Improvements will allow you to assign warning actions to a particular category of warnings.
Oh I get it...the quantity of warnings, not just the quantity of points...that does sound interesting.

That would be nice because if there were zero-point warnings or really low warnings in a setup with high-point action levels, someone could rack up a bunch of low point or zero point warnings without action, but this gives that kind of activity a category
Indeed. @Turbo is right on the money. Number of warnings is for users that accumulate a high volume of zero point or low point warnings without action. On large boards its easy for such members to stay under the radar because different staff may handles their warnings.

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