Account Upgrade Nagger


Active Member
A very effective way to increase user upgrade is to show a nag screen to non-paying users. I am using this on vb for a decade or so and borrowed the idea from digitalpoint who explained the benefits of it.

The overlay appears once in every X visits.
The popup shows a text explaining the benefits of a user upgrade.
At the bottom there are links for Yes and No. Yes links to the account upgrades page and no closes the overlay.
The location of Yes and No is random on left and right.
You can very easily implement something like this with the existing notice system. It just lacks the explicit Yes/No functionality, it isn't as nice however.

But this sort of functionality would be quite useful.
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Turing this on on my vb big board has a significant effect on subscriptions and donations. The random changing Yes/No functionality makes the difference compared to notices.
Could one incorporate into a notice with some kind of code that randomizes the yes/no button? I don't think so but I've never tried it. Maybe you have more than one notice and they are configured to somehow alternate?
Would you like to have the vbulletin addon we developed?
The screenshot would just be an overlay covering most of the screen, with a text on it and on the left-bottom and right-bottom corners a SUBSCRIBE NOW button and a close icon. However, the addon was built before font awesome, so we used an icon back then. Something like this:
This website is run by volunteers and solely relies on donations and subscriptions to stay available. Please consider to help by buying a subscription.

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