Automatically delete duplicate unverified account.


Active Member
When people signup with an invalid email address they are not able to verify their email account. Therefore they start a new account. On a big board this triggers the duplicate account detection every day of the week. It always needs the same simple action: delete the unverified 0 post account and resolve the report.

It would save quite a bit of work if this would be done automatically.

I suggest a setting for this:
Automatically delete duplicate accounts if all these criteria are true:
  1. Post count is 0
  2. Email state is 'awaiting email confirmation'
There probably needs to be additional criteria to avoid false positives:
  1. Post count is 0
  2. Email state is 'awaiting email confirmation'
  3. Account has no avatar.
  4. The account is at least X days old. (1 day would work for me)
  5. Duplicate account is found.
  6. Other account user state is valid, has been accessed later than the unverified account.
  7. Another criteria that could be used, but would leaf some invalid accounts undeleted: valid account has avatar.
I'ld probably go with automatically merge the unverified account into the verified account. This way the user registration log is captured (and any multi-account records) to given an indication what has happened.

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