Bug in 1.3.6 regarding upgrade URL


New Member

I'm using latest XF1 with PHP 7.2.0 and Expiring User Upgrades 1.3.6

At admin.php?options/list/exup, it is set to "Default URL (https://www.example.com/myaccount/memberships)"

Yes, I'm using route filters to change account/upgrades to myaccount/memberships (your add-on properly recognizes the route filters, I don't believe this is the problem, however I'm mentioning it just in case).

Once someone buys an account upgrade and the payment gets processed by Paypal, they get the following alert:

{username}, thank you for purchasing the account upgrade named <i><b>{upgrade_title}</b></i>.<br />We hope you will take advantage of and enjoy all the benefits it has to offer.<br />You may view your account upgrades <a href="{upgrade_url}" class="PopupItemLink">here</a>.

The problem is that when the member clicks on "here", he is being redirected to:


In other words, it seems that you aren't properly passing the value set in your add-on options to the link inside the alert. I have tried by pasting the URL inside the "Custom URL" option and after saving the changes the results are the same (wrong link as explained above).

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Master value:

{username}, thank you for purchasing the account upgrade named <i><b>{upgrade_title}</b></i>.<br />We hope you will take advantage of and enjoy all the benefits it has to offer.<br />You may view your account upgrades <a href="{upgrade_url}" class="PopupItemLink">here</a>.

Translation to Spanish:

{username}, gracias por comprar <b>{upgrade_title}</b>.<br />Todo está bien.<br />La información está <a href="{upgrade_url}" class="PopupItemLink">aquí</a>.

Member is getting the alert in his language (Spanish) as expected. Also, {upgrade_title} is being replaced with the name of the upgrade, which is expected. The problem seems to be specific to {upgrade_url}

It looks like the URL is burned into the alert, so old alerts will continue to be broken.

I need to investigate why it isn't being populated correctly in the first place, and plan to change how that value is generated.
I believe that not only old alerts but all current alerts seem to be pointing to the wrong URL.
I found a couple of missed argument names in the alert templates that needed updating. Fixed in 1.3.7

This fix will retroactively apply to any existing alerts.

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