Collaborative Threads - permissions


You can refactor yourself
$collaborators = preg_split(
$collaborators = Arr::stringToArray($collaborators, '#\s*,\s*#');

If i enable this option:

I can not use the reaction. As soon as I turn off this option then I can use reactions
You can refactor yourself
$collaborators = preg_split(
$collaborators = Arr::stringToArray($collaborators, '#\s*,\s*#');
This add-on still supports pre XF2.0.10 when this method was added.

If i enable this option:
View attachment 4359
I can not use the reaction. As soon as I turn off this option then I can use reactions
@kick where is that option? This add-on does have some complex interaction with permissions.

I'ld need to see the "Shared permissions" and "Permissions requiring explicit sharing " config in the add-on options to determine if that is "expected" or not, and then if it was shared in the group or not.
There is a group of registered that can not put the reaction. For a certain number of typed messages, it increases the secondary user group to a member who can set up reactions. I select all the items and all the checkboxes, then the opportunity to put reactions disappears. Once the Registered group is granted the right, it is not possible to reproduce and works correctly.
Mechanically; this add-on shares permissions from the thread starter to the members of the thread (who are collaborators) and to pass some checks causes those checks to be run as if the current user is the thread starter (during those checks, not anywhere else).

If the thread starter lacks permissions, it can get a bit wonky. Try setting "React to post" as an explicitly shareable permissions or remove it if it is included.

I'll have some time later this week to dig into this particular configuration; but the XF permission system has surprisingly complexities and this add-on bolts on more complexity.

I do plan to make an "analyse permissions" for a user + thread in the admincp to help troubleshoot this, but haven't had the time and don't have an ETA on when this would be available.
Strange magic happens gave right and then took away from Registered then the reaction button worked correctly. And even made it so that when you invite a user from the Registered group, he can put reactions when asked in a co-author's topic. Magic in a word, most likely the cache of rights is not rebuilt or was not rebuilt, and because of this it did not work correctly
Collaborative Thread's doesn't do any caching of the enhanced permissions for collaborators between requests, purely because there is too much black magic involved and becomes incredible hard to reason with.

I guess the XF permissions for that user where in a weird place. There can be a delay if a new permission combination set for the XF standard permissions needs to be computed. Switching between existing sets of user groups (and thus permissions) should be instant

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