

Active Member
Please add a friends function.
Users can request friendship. If confirmed by the other member then they become friends and are listed as such on profile.
Privacy options can be set based upon friendship.

  1. You should be able to send a friendship request on the membercard and in the profile.
  2. The other party will receive an alert to confirm or deny friendship.
  3. confirmation results in the two members becoming friends and the sender receiving an alert about it.
  4. denial deletes the request without any alert.
  5. Friends are listed on profile same as following.
  6. There should be a mutual friends box in the profile
  7. user criteria: has more than X friends
  8. it should be easy to unfriend. No alert should be received about thsi.
  9. Like the poeple you follow page, there should be a friends page that lists friends and friends requests. And has unfriend function.
  10. rebuild tools: rebuild friends
  11. fully cached and able to deal with large numbers
  12. Profile privacy based on friends
  13. XFMG privacy based on friends
  14. ACP setting: automatically follow friends by default
  15. user setting: automatically follow friends
  16. friends online sidebar block / widget.
  17. conditional for {isfriend} to reuse in templates

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