no reports and the admin link disappears

This is standard XF behaviour. The report link is only there is there are open reports
bizarre, what if you want to look back at old reports or look at stats etc? guess I'll make a post on :)
hmmm Brogan at XF says the default is for the link to stay if no reports. Russ at PixelExit is saying it doesn't have to do with his theme.
From the default theme;
               <xf:if is="$xf.visitor.is_moderator && !$xf.options.reportIntoForumId && $">
                   <a href="{{ link('reports') }}"
                       class="p-staffBar-link badgeContainer badgeContainer--visible {{ ($ && ($xf.session.reportCounts.lastBuilt > $xf.session.reportLastRead) OR $xf.session.reportCounts.assigned) ? ' badgeContainer--highlighted' : '' }}"
                       data-badge="{{ $xf.session.reportCounts.assigned ? $xf.session.reportCounts.assigned|number . ' / ' . $|number : $|number }}"
                       title="{{ $xf.session.reportCounts.lastBuilt ? phrase('last_report_update:') . ' ' . date_time($xf.session.reportCounts.lastBuilt) : '' }}">
                       {{ phrase('reports') }}
Total is the number of open or assigned reports.

There is a "moderator tools" dropdown, which should stay around
You are likely running into the template modifications which make the report queues stuff show up. You'll need to edit the template svReportEss_PAGE_CONTAINER_report_queues when report centre essentials is installed
        <xf:if is="$assignedCount || $">


        <xf:if is="$assignedCount || $ || $reportQueue.report_queue_id == 1">
This way it will always show the first queue

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