Reaction scores not changing


I've tested here and it seems to be working fine. On my forum, reactions don't seem to be having any effect on a users reaction scores.

The only possible difference (from here) I can see is I have split my reactions into categories.

Anything I can test to see what it could be?
Can you screenshot which reaction scores you are looking at? And check what the reaction score on various reactions are?

This add-on doesn't touch the reaction score behaviour, and mostly renders reaction counts (plan to make it optionally render reaction scores soon)
It's the scores (count?) here:


If I react to any of this users posts nothing seems to change here or on their profile etc.

All the positive reactions are +1. The neutral has no score.

I found a users with no reactions and liked their post but nothing showed on their profile.
It looks like that overlay is being cached which gives the impression the numbers aren't changing.

Open the overlay, like a post, then open the overlay again it shows the same numbers despite them changing if you do a hard-refresh or open in a new tab
It looks like that overlay is being cached which gives the impression the numbers aren't changing.

Open the overlay, like a post, then open the overlay again it shows the same numbers despite them changing if you do a hard-refresh or open in a new tab
I can't seem to get the numbers to change even if I open them in a incognito window in Chrome. So is this an xF issue?

The user with zero likes whose post I liked still shows zero for me anywhere on their profile.
This appears to be a bug when a user has no reactions at all; should be fixed in the next version
Not sure how this has happened but all my reaction scores seem to have frozen again. I've not changed anything.
Refresh the case would ensure everything is computed properly; but it shouldn't fail in the first place. I may need to look into how the json blob is being manipulated :(
What version of MySQL/MariaDB do you have? I might have seen before but I can't remember :p
Hmm, I think this might be a mariadb/mysql version issue.

Can you enable debug mode and change the setting svContentRatingJsonDb to "off" instead of "MySQL"? This will cause it to fall back to a (what should be slower) but more reliable mode of updating the count totals.
Hmm, I think this might be a mariadb/mysql version issue.

Can you enable debug mode and change the setting svContentRatingJsonDb to "off" instead of "MySQL"? This will cause it to fall back to a (what should be slower) but more reliable mode of updating the count totals.
Hmm, mine was already set to off
Ok, found the bug when updating json counts when dealing with a database without json function support.

Will release in a few days after I finish some other bits

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