Text replacement tokens


Hello there,

I'm currently using Liam's PostMacros addon. However, the feature below is still missing:
  • Text replacement: It'd be very nice to have some replacement tokens they can put in the reply and/or conversation text. For example replacing things like {{threadcreator}} with the OP's username, [...] the OP's username is the most important for us (so you can respond to the OP by name to reduce confusion who you are responding to on a thread).

Do you plan on implementing this? I'd be ready to switch from Liam's Addon to yours, then :)

Hi @SeToY,

This feature isn't supported, and currently isn't planned. It can be supported if you are willing to fund it's development.

What sort of replacables are you after? XenForo uses the following when issuing warnings:
  • {title} - content's title
  • {content} - content iself
  • {url} - URL to content
  • {name} - warned username
  • {staff} - user issuing the warning.
I'd currently need
  • {name} / {threadcreator} - The name of the creator of the thread
  • {name} / {myname} - The name of the poster that uses the macro (because macros are shared across user groups in our forums)

Another feature would be neat: Grouping. To create different groups for different macros.

What would the funding of those features cost me?

Apologies I missed this. And also missed that this is already supported!

Moderation macros should actually support the following replacables when scripting a reply:
  • {forumname}
  • {threadtitle}
  • {url}
  • {threadcreator}
  • {staff}
Looking at how this is implemented, adding more replables based on the current user, thread, forum should be very simple.


it does not work, unfortunately:

Oops, I discovered the public v1.1.2 version doesn't implement this. I had an unreleased v1.2.0 that was never finished. I should get it out shortly.

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