noPrefix Class Applied in Popup


New Member
When there is a prefix already selected upon editing the thread title with a set prefix the 'noPrefix' class is applied when it should be the defined prefix, in this case my prefix class is 'acPrefix' which is not loaded.

This is something of a bug with the javascript, which was introduced when I fixed it destroying prefixes on changing forums.

Next major version (1.5.x), will feature the javascript knowing about the the prefix limits (min/max), and I will aim to fix this bug then.
Yeah figured there is a bit of a design issue with how it can know if there is a single prefix or multiple prefixes. May need a class when there are multiple prefixes for styling purposes, such as 'multiPrefix' or something along those lines.
Looks and works great :)

One suggestion if I may. Can you add the default XF class of textCtrl to the Prefix field in the edit thread overlay (or anywhere else it may need it) so it inherits the correct styling?

Ugh, this is going to require some re-jigging of the styling as stuff overrides unexpectedly and wonky ordering issues
I see...

Maybe throwing the chosen.css into standard XF templates would help get things running in the right order? I'll test it out.

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